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6 February 2016

Julien Danjou: FOSDEM 2016, recap

Last week-end, I was in Brussels, Belgium for the FOSDEM, one of the greatest open source developer conference. I was not sure to go there this year (I already skipped it in 2015), but it turned out I was requested to do a talk in the shared Lua & GNU Guile devroom. As a long time Lua user and developer, and a follower of GNU Guile for several years, the organizer asked me to run a talk that would be a link between the two languages. I've entitled my talk "How awesome ended up with Lua and not Guile" and gave it to a room full of interested users of the awesome window manager . We continued with a panel discussion entitled "The future of small languages Experience of Lua and Guile" composed of Andy Wingo, Christopher Webber, Ludovic Court s, Etiene Dalcol, Hisham Muhammaad and myself. It was a pretty interesting discussion, where both language shared their views on the state of their languages. It was a bit awkward to talk about Lua & Guile whereas most of my knowledge was year old, but it turns out many things didn't change. I hope I was able to provide interesting hindsight to both community. Finally, it was a pretty interesting FOSDEM to me, and it was a long time I didn't give talk here, so I really enjoyed it. See you next year!

16 November 2015

Julien Danjou: Profiling Python using cProfile: a concrete case

Writing programs is fun, but making them fast can be a pain. Python programs are no exception to that, but the basic profiling toolchain is actually not that complicated to use. Here, I would like to show you how you can quickly profile and analyze your Python code to find what part of the code you should optimize. What's profiling? Profiling a Python program is doing a dynamic analysis that measures the execution time of the program and everything that compose it. That means measuring the time spent in each of its functions. This will give you data about where your program is spending time, and what area might be worth optimizing. It's a very interesting exercise. Many people focus on local optimizations, such as determining e.g. which of the Python functions range or xrange is going to be faster. It turns out that knowing which one is faster may never be an issue in your program, and that the time gained by one of the functions above might not be worth the time you spend researching that, or arguing about it with your colleague. Trying to blindly optimize a program without measuring where it is actually spending its time is a useless exercise. Following your guts alone is not always sufficient. There are many types of profiling, as there are many things you can measure. In this exercise, we'll focus on CPU utilization profiling, meaning the time spent by each function executing instructions. Obviously, we could do many more kind of profiling and optimizations, such as memory profiling which would measure the memory used by each piece of code something I talk about in The Hacker's Guide to Python. cProfile Since Python 2.5, Python provides a C module called cProfile which has a reasonable overhead and offers a good enough feature set. The basic usage goes down to:
>>> import cProfile
>>>'2 + 2')
2 function calls in 0.000 seconds

Ordered by: standard name

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 <string>:1(<module>)
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects

Though you can also run a script with it, which turns out to be handy:
$ python -m cProfile -s cumtime
72270 function calls (70640 primitive calls) in 4.481 seconds

Ordered by: cumulative time

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
1 0.004 0.004 4.481 4.481<module>)
1 0.001 0.001 4.296 4.296
3 0.000 0.000 4.286 1.429
3 0.000 0.000 4.268 1.423
4/3 0.000 0.000 3.816 1.272
4 0.000 0.000 2.965 0.741
4 0.000 0.000 2.962 0.740
4 0.000 0.000 2.961 0.740
2 0.000 0.000 2.675 1.338
30 0.000 0.000 1.621 0.054
30 0.000 0.000 1.621 0.054
30 1.621 0.054 1.621 0.054 method 'read' of '_ssl._SSLSocket' objects
1 0.000 0.000 1.611 1.611
4 0.000 0.000 1.572 0.393
4 0.000 0.000 1.572 0.393
60 0.000 0.000 1.571 0.026
4 0.000 0.000 1.571 0.393
1 0.000 0.000 1.462 1.462
1 0.000 0.000 1.462 1.462
1 0.000 0.000 1.462 1.462
1 0.000 0.000 1.459 1.459
[ ]

This prints out all the function called, with the time spend in each and the number of times they have been called. Advanced visualization with KCacheGrind While being useful, the output format is very basic and does not make easy to grab knowledge for complete programs. For more advanced visualization, I leverage KCacheGrind. If you did any C programming and profiling these last years, you may have used it as it is primarily designed as front-end for Valgrind generated call-graphs. In order to use, you need to generate a cProfile result file, then convert it to KCacheGrind format. To do that, I use pyprof2calltree.
$ python -m cProfile -o myscript.cprof
$ pyprof2calltree -k -i myscript.cprof

And the KCacheGrind window magically appears!
Concrete case: Carbonara optimization I was curious about the performances of Carbonara, the small timeserie library I wrote for Gnocchi. I decided to do some basic profiling to see if there was any obvious optimization to do. In order to profile a program, you need to run it. But running the whole program in profiling mode can generate a lot of data that you don't care about, and adds noise to what you're trying to understand. Since Gnocchi has thousands of unit tests and a few for Carbonara itself, I decided to profile the code used by these unit tests, as it's a good reflection of basic features of the library. Note that this is a good strategy for a curious and naive first-pass profiling. There's no way that you can make sure that the hotspots you will see in the unit tests are the actual hotspots you will encounter in production. Therefore, a profiling in conditions and with a scenario that mimics what's seen in production is often a necessity if you need to push your program optimization further and want to achieve perceivable and valuable gain. I activated cProfile using the method described above, creating a cProfile.Profile object around my tests (I actually started to implement that in testtools). I then run KCacheGrind as described above. Using KCacheGrind, I generated the following figures.
The test I profiled here is called test_fetch and is pretty easy to understand: it puts data in a timeserie object, and then fetch the aggregated result. The above list shows that 88 % of the ticks are spent in set_values (44 ticks over 50). This function is used to insert values into the timeserie, not to fetch the values. That means that it's really slow to insert data, and pretty fast to actually retrieve them. Reading the rest of the list indicates that several functions share the rest of the ticks, update, _first_block_timestamp, _truncate, _resample, etc. Some of the functions in the list are not part of Carbonara, so there's no point in looking to optimize them. The only thing that can be optimized is, sometimes, the number of times they're called.
The call graph gives me a bit more insight about what's going on here. Using my knowledge about how Carbonara works, I don't think that the whole stack on the left for _first_block_timestamp makes much sense. This function is supposed to find the first timestamp for an aggregate, e.g. with a timestamp of 13:34:45 and a period of 5 minutes, the function should return 13:30:00. The way it works currently is by calling the resample function from Pandas on a timeserie with only one element, but that seems to be very slow. Indeed, currently this function represents 25 % of the time spent by set_values (11 ticks on 44). Fortunately, I recently added a small function called _round_timestamp that does exactly what _first_block_timestamp needs that without calling any Pandas function, so no resample. So I ended up rewriting that function this way:
def _first_block_timestamp(self):
- ts = self.ts[-1:].resample(self.block_size)
- return (ts.index[-1] - (self.block_size * self.back_window))
+ rounded = self._round_timestamp(self.ts.index[-1], self.block_size)
+ return rounded - (self.block_size * self.back_window)

And then I re-run the exact same test to compare the output of cProfile.
The list of function seems quite different this time. The number of time spend used by set_values dropped from 88 % to 71 %.
The call stack for set_values shows that pretty well: we can't even see the _first_block_timestamp function as it is so fast that it totally disappeared from the display. It's now being considered insignificant by the profiler. So we just speed up the whole insertion process of values into Carbonara by a nice 25 % in a few minutes. Not that bad for a first naive pass, right?

15 November 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 29 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes Emmanuel Bourg uploaded eigenbase-resgen/ which uses of the scm-safe comment style by default to make them deterministic. Mattia Rizzolo started a new thread on debian-devel to ask a wider audience for issues about the -Wdate-time compile time flag. When enabled, GCC and clang print warnings when __DATE__, __TIME__, or __TIMESTAMP__ are used. Having the flag set by default would prompt maintainers to remove these source of unreproducibility from the sources. Packages fixed The following packages have become reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: bmake, cyrus-imapd-2.4, drobo-utils, eigenbase-farrago, fhist, fstrcmp, git-dpm, intercal, libexplain, libtemplates-parser, mcl, openimageio, pcal, powstatd, ruby-aggregate, ruby-archive-tar-minitar, ruby-bert, ruby-dbd-odbc, ruby-dbd-pg, ruby-extendmatrix, ruby-rack-mobile-detect, ruby-remcached, ruby-stomp, ruby-test-declarative, ruby-wirble, vtprint. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues, but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: The fifth and sixth armhf build nodes have been set up, resulting in five more builder jobs for armhf. More than 10,000 packages have now been identified as reproducible with the reproducible toolchain on armhf. (Vagrant Cascadian, h01ger) Helmut Grohne and Mattia Rizzolo now have root access on all 12 build nodes used by and (h01ger) is now linked from all package pages and the dashboard. (h01ger) profitbricks-build5-amd64 and profitbricks-build6-amd64, responsible for running amd64 tests now run 398.26 days in the future. This means that one of the two builds that are being compared will be run on a different minute, hour, day, month, and year. This is not yet the case for armhf. FreeBSD tests are also done with 398.26 days difference. (h01ger) The design of the Arch Linux test page has been greatly improved. (Levente Polyak) diffoscope development Three releases of diffoscope happened this week numbered 39 to 41. It includes support for EPUB files (Reiner Herrmann) and Free Pascal unit files, usually having .ppu as extension (Paul Gevers). The rest of the changes were mostly targetting at making it easier to run diffoscope on other systems. The tlsh, rpm, and debian modules are now all optional. The test suite will properly skip tests that need optional tools or modules when they are not available. As a result, diffosope is now available on PyPI and thanks to the work of Levente Polyak in Arch Linux. Getting these versions in Debian was a bit cumbersome. Version 39 was uploaded with an expired key (according to the keyring on which will hopefully be updated soon) which is currently handled by keeping the files in the queue without REJECTing them. This prevented any other Debian Developpers to upload the same version. Version 40 was uploaded as a source-only upload but failed to build from source which had the undesirable side effect of removing the previous version from unstable. The package faild to build from source because it was built passing -I to debbuild. This excluded the ELF object files and static archives used by the test suite from the archive, preventing the test suite to work correctly. Hopefully, in a nearby future it will be possible to implement a sanity check to prevent such mistakes in the future. It has also been identified that ppudump outputs time in the system timezone without considering the TZ environment variable. Zachary Vance and Paul Gevers raised the issue on the appropriate channels. strip-nondeterminism development Chris Lamb released strip-nondeterminism version 0.014-1 which disables stripping Mono binaries as it is too aggressive and the source of the problem is being worked on by Mono upstream. Package reviews 133 reviews have been removed, 115 added and 103 updated this week. Chris West and Chris Lamb reported 57 new FTBFS bugs. Misc. The video of h01ger and Chris Lamb's talk at MiniDebConf Cambridge is now available. h01ger gave a talk at CCC Hamburg on November 13th, which was well received and sparked some interest among Gentoo folks. Slides and video should be available shortly. Frederick Kautz has started to revive Dhiru Kholia's work on testing Fedora packages. Your editor wish to once again thank #debian-reproducible regulars for reviewing these reports weeks after weeks.

4 November 2015

Julien Danjou: Gnocchi 1.3.0 release

Finally, Gnocchi 1.3.0 is out. This is our final release, more or less matching the OpenStack 6 months schedule, that concludes the Liberty development cycle.
This release was supposed to be released a few weeks earlier, but our integration test got completely blocked for several days just the week before the OpenStack Mitaka summit. New website We build a new dedicated website for Gnocchi at We want to promote Gnocchi outside of the OpenStack bubble, as it a useful timeseries database on its own that can work without the rest of the stack. We'll try to improve the documentation. If you're curious, feel free to check it out and report anything you miss! The speed bump Obviously, if it was a bug in Gnocchi that we have hit, it would have been quick to fix. However, we found a nasty bug in Swift caused by the evil monkey-patching of Eventlet (once again) blended with a mixed usage of native threads and Eventlet threads in Swift. Shake all of that, and you got yourself pretty race conditions when using the Keystone middleware authentication. In the meantime, we disabled Swift multi-threading by using mod_wsgi instead of Eventlet in devstack. New features So what's new in this new shiny release? A few interesting things: And that's all we did in the last couple of months. We have a lot of things on the roadmap that are pretty exciting, and I'll sure talk about them in the next weeks.

2 November 2015

Julien Danjou: OpenStack Summit Mitaka from a Telemetry point of view

Last week I was in Tokyo, Japan for the OpenStack Summit, discussing the new Mitaka version that will be released in 6 months. I've attended the summit mainly to discuss and follow-up new developments on Ceilometer, Gnocchi, Aodh and Oslo. It has been a pretty good week and we were able to discuss and plan a few interesting things. Below are what I found remarkable during this summit concerning those projects. Distributed lock manager
I did not attend this session, but I need to write something about it. See, when working in a distributed environment like OpenStack, it's almost obvious that sooner or later you end up needing a distributed lock mechanism. It started to be pretty obvious and a serious problem for us 2 years ago in Ceilometer. Back then, we proposed the service-sync blueprint and talked about it during the OpenStack Icehouse Design Summit in Hong-Kong. The session at that time was a success, and in 20 minutes I convinced everyone it was the good thing to do. The night following the session, we picked a named, Tooz, to name this new library. It was the first time I met Joshua Harlow, which became one of the biggest Tooz contributor since then. For the following months, we tried to move the lines in OpenStack. It was very hard to convince people that it was the solution to their problem. Most of the time, they did not seem to grasp the entirety of what was at stake. This time, it seems that we managed to convince everyone that a DLM is indeed needed. Joshua wrote an extensive specification called Chronicle of a DLM, which ended up being discussed and somehow adopted during that session in Tokyo. So yes, Tooz will be the weapon of choice for OpenStack. It will avoid a hard requirement on any DLM solution directly. The best driver right now is the ZooKeeper one, but it'll still be possible for operators to use e.g. Redis. This is a great achievement for us, after spending years trying to fix features such as the Nova service group subsystem and seeing our proposals postponed forever. (If you want to know more, has a great article about that session.) Telemetry team name
With the new projects launched this last year, Aodh & Gnocchi, in parallel of the old Ceilometer, plus the change from programs to Big Tent in OpenSack, the team is having an identity issue. Being referred to as the "Ceilometer team" is not really accurate, as some of us only work on Aodh or on Gnocchi. So after discussing that, I proposed to rename the team to Telemetry instead. We'll see how it goes. Alarms
The first session was about alarms and the Aodh project. It turns out that the project is in pretty good shape, but probably need some more love, which I hope I'll be able to provide in the next months. The need for a new aodhclient based on the technologies we recently used building gnocchiclient has been reasserted, so we might end up working on that pretty soon. The Tempest support also needs some improvement, and we have a plan to enhance that. Data visualisation
We got David Lyle in this session, the Project Technical Leader for Horizon. It was an interesting discussion. It used to be technically challenging to draw charts from the data Ceilometer collects, but it's now very easy with Gnocchi and its API. While the technical side is resolved, the more political and user experience side of was to draw and how was discussed at length. We don't want to make people think that Ceilometer and Gnocchi are a full monitoring solution, so there's some precaution to take. Other than that, it would be pretty cool to have view of the data in Horizon. Rolling upgrade
It turns out that Ceilometer has an architecture that makes it easy to have rolling upgrade. We just need to write a proper documentation explaining how to do it and in which order the services should be upgraded. Ceilometer splitting
The split of the alarm feature of Ceilometer in its own project Aodh in the last cycle was a great success for the whole team. We want to split other pieces of Ceilometer, as they make sense on their own, makes it easier to manage. They are also some projects that want to use them without the whole stack, so that's a good idea to make it happen. CloudKitty & Gnocchi
I attended the 2 sessions that were allocated to CloudKitty. It was pretty interesting as they want to simplify their architecture and leverage what Gnocchi provides. I proposed my view of the project architecture and how they could leverage the more of Gnocchi to retrieve and store data. They want to go in that direction though it's a large amount of work and refactoring on their side, so it'll take time. We also need to enhance the support of extension for new resources in Gnocchi, and that's something I hope I'll work on in the next months. Overall, this summit was pretty good and I got a tremendous amount of good feedback on Gnocchi. I again managed to get enough ideas and tasks to tackle for the next 6 months. It really looks interesting to see where the whole team will go from that. Stay tuned!

13 October 2015

Julien Danjou: Benchmarking Gnocchi for fun & profit

We got pretty good feedback on Gnocchi so far, even if we only had little. Recently, in order to have a better feeling of where we were at, we wanted to know how fast (or slow) Gnocchi was. The early benchmarks that some of the Mirantis engineers ran last year showed pretty good signs. But a year later, it was time to get real numbers and have a good understanding of Gnocchi capacity. Benchmark tools The first thing I realized when starting that process, is that we were lacking of tools to run benchmarks. Therefore I started to write some benchmark tools in python-gnocchiclient, which provides a command line tool to interrogate Gnocchi. I added a few basic commands to measure metric performance, such as:
$ gnocchi benchmark metric create -w 48 -n 10000 -a low
Field Value
client workers 48
create executed 10000
create failures 0
create failures rate 0.00 %
create runtime 8.80 seconds
create speed 1136.96 create/s
delete executed 10000
delete failures 0
delete failures rate 0.00 %
delete runtime 39.56 seconds
delete speed 252.75 delete/s

The command line tool supports the --verbose switch to have detailed progress report on the benchmark progression. So far it supports metric operations only, but that's the most interesting part of Gnocchi. Spinning up some hardware I got a couple of bare metal servers to test Gnocchi on. I dedicated the first one to Gnocchi, and used the second one as the benchmark client, plugged on the same network. Each server is made of 2 Intel Xeon E5-2609 v3 (12 cores in total) and 32 GB of RAM. That provides a lot of CPU to handle requests in parallel. Then I simply performed a basic RHEL 7 installation and ran devstack to spin up an installation of Gnocchi based on the master branch, disabling all of the others OpenStack components. I then tweaked the Apache httpd configuration to use the worker MPM and increased the maximum number of clients that can sent request simultaneously. I configured Gnocchi to use the PostsgreSQL indexer, as it's the recommended one, and the file storage driver, based on Carbonara (Gnocchi own storage engine). That means files were stored locally rather than in Ceph or Swift. Using the file driver is less scalable (you have to run on only one node or uses a technology like NFS to share the files), but it was good enough for this benchmark and to have some numbers and profiling the beast. The OpenStack Keystone authentication middleware was not enabled in this setup, as it would add some delay validating the authentication token. Metric CRUD operations Metric creation is pretty fast. I managed to attain 1500 metric/s created pretty easily. Deletion is now asynchronous, which means it's faster than in Gnocchi 1.2, but it's still slower than creation: 300 metric/s can be deleted. That does not sound like a huge issue since metric deletion is actually barely used in production. Retrieving metric information is also pretty fast and goes up to 800 metric/s. It'd be easy to achieve very higher throughput for this one, as it'd be easy to cache, but we didn't feel the need to implement it so far. Another important thing is that all of these numbers are constant and barely depends on the number of the metric already managed by Gnocchi.
Operation Details Rate
Create metric Created 100k metrics in 77 seconds 1300 metric/s
Delete metric Deleted 100k metrics in 190 seconds 524 metric/s
Show metric Show a metric 100k times in 149 seconds 670 metric/s
Sending and getting measures Pushing measures into metrics is one of the hottest topic. Starting with Gnocchi 1.1, the measures pushed are treated asynchronously, which makes it much faster to push new measures. Getting new numbers on that feature was pretty interesting. The number of metric per second you can push depends on the batch size, meaning the number of actual measurements you send per call. The naive approach is to push 1 measure per call, and in that case, Gnocchi is able to handle around 600 measures/s. With a batch containing 100 measures, the number of calls per second goes down to 450, but since you push 100 measures each time, that means 45k measures per second pushed into Gnocchi! I've pushed the test further, inspired by the recent blog post of InfluxDB claiming to achieve 300k points per second with their new engine. I ran the same benchmark on the hardware I had, which is roughly two times smaller than the one they used. I achieved to push Gnocchi to a little more than 120k measurement per second. If I had same hardware as they used, I could interpolate the results to achieve almost 250k measures/s pushed. Obviously, you can't strictly compare Gnocchi and InfluxDB since they are not doing exactly the same thing, but it still looks way better than what I expected. Using smaller batch sizes of 1k or 2k improve the throughput further to around 125k measures/s.
Operation Details Rate
Push metric 5k Push 5M measures with batch of 5k measures in 40 seconds 122k measures/s
Push metric 4k Push 5M measures with batch of 4k measures in 40 seconds 125k measures/s
Push metric 3k Push 5M measures with batch of 3k measures in 40 seconds 123k measures/s
Push metric 2k Push 5M measures with batch of 2k measures in 41 seconds 121k measures/s
Push metric 1k Push 5M measures with batch of 1k measures in 44 seconds 113k measures/s
Push metric 500 Push 5M measures with batch of 500 measures in 51 seconds 98k measures/s
Push metric 100 Push 5M measures with batch of 100 measures in 112 seconds 45k measures/s
Push metric 10 Push 5M measures with batch of 10 measures in 852 seconds 6k measures/s
Push metric 1 Push 500k measures with batch of 1 measure in 800 seconds 624 measures/s
Get measures Push 43k measures of 1 metric 260k measures/s
What about getting measures? Well, it's actually pretty fast too. Retrieving a metric with 1 month of data with 1 minute interval (that's 43k points) takes less than 2 second. Though it's actually slower than what I expected. The reason seems to be that the JSON is 2 MB big and encoding it takes a lot of time for Python. I'll investigate that. Another point I discovered, is that by default Gnocchi returns all the datapoints for each granularities available for the asked period, which might double the size of the returned data for nothing if you don't need it. It'll be easy to add an option to the API to only retrieve what you need though! Once benchmarked, that meant I was able to retrieve 6 metric/s per second, which translates to around 260k measures/s. Metricd speed New measures that are pushed into Gnocchi are processed asynchronously by the gnocchi-metricd daemon. When doing the benchmarks above, I ran into a very interesting issue: sending 10k measures on a metric would make gnocchi-metricd uses up to 2 GB RAM and 120 % CPU for more than 10 minutes. After further investigation, I found that the naive approach we used to resample datapoints in Carbonara using Pandas was causing that. I reported a bug on Pandas and the upstream author was kind enough to provide a nice workaround, that I sent as a pull request to Pandas documentation. I wrote a fix for Gnocchi based on that, and started using it. Computing the standard aggregation methods set (std, count, 95pct, min, max, sum, median, mean) for 10k batches of 1 measure (worst case scenario) for one metric with 10k measures now takes only 20 seconds and uses 100 MB of RAM 45 faster. That means that in normal operations, where only a few new measures are processed, the operation of updating a metric only takes a few milliseconds. Awesome! Comparison with Ceilometer For comparison sake, I've quickly run some read operations benchmark in Ceilometer. I've fed it with one month of samples for 100 instances polled every minute. That represents roughly 4.3M samples injected, and that took a while almost 1 hour whereas it would have taken less than a minute in Gnocchi. Then I tried to retrieve some statistics in the same way that we provide them in Gnocchi, which mean aggregating them over a period of 60 seconds over a month.
Operation Details Rate
Read metric SQL Read measures for 1 metric 2min 58s
Read metric MongoDB Read measures for 1 metric 28s
Read metric Gnocchi Read measures for 1 metric 2s
Obviously, Ceilometer is very slow. It has to look into 4M of samples to compute and return the result, which takes a lot of time. Whereas Gnocchi just has to fetch a file and pass it over. That also means that the more samples you have (so the more time you collect data and the more resources you have), slower Ceilometer will become. This is not a problem with Gnocchi, as I emphasized when I started designing it. Most Gnocchi operations are O(log R) where R is the number of metrics or resources, whereas most Ceilometer operations are O(log S) where S is the number of samples (measures). Since is R millions of time smaller than S, Gnocchi gets to be much faster. And what's even more interesting, is that Gnocchi is entirely scalable horizontally. Adding more Gnocchi servers (for the API and its background processing worker metricd) will multiply Gnocchi performances by the number of servers added. Improvements There are several things to improve in Gnocchi, such as splitting Carbonara archives to make them more efficient, especially from drivers such as Ceph and Swift. It's already on my plate, and I'm looking forwarding to working on that! And if you have any questions, feel free to shoot them in the comment section.

5 October 2015

Julien Danjou: Gnocchi talk at OpenStack Paris Meetup #16

Last week, I've been invited to the OpenStack Paris meetup #16, whose subject was about metrics in OpenStack. Last time I spoke at this meetup was back in 2012, during the OpenStack Paris meetup #2. A very long time ago!
I talked for half an hour about Gnocchi, the OpenStack project I've been running for 18 months now. I started by explaining the story behind the project and why we needed to build it. Ceilometer has an interesting history and had a curious roadmap these last year, and I summarized that briefly. Then I talk about how Gnocchi works and what it offers to users and operators. The slides where full of JSON, but I imagine it offered a interesting view of what the API looks like and how easy it is to operate. This also allowed me to emphasize how many use cases are actually really covered and solved, contrary to what Ceilometer did so far. The talk has been well received and I got a few interesting questions at the end. The video of the talk (in French) and my slides are available on my talk page and below. I hope you'll enjoy it.

30 September 2015

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: My Free Software Activities in September 2015

My monthly report covers a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world. I write it for my donators (thanks to them!) but also for the wider Debian community because it can give ideas to newcomers and it s one of the best ways to find volunteers to work with me on projects that matter to me. Debian LTS This month I have been paid to work 8 hours on Debian LTS. In that time, I mostly did CVE triaging (in the last 3 days since I m of LTS frontdesk duty this week). I pushed 14 commits to the security tracker. There were multiple CVE without any initial investigation so I checked the status of the CVE not only in squeeze but also in wheezy/jessie. On unpaid time, I wrote and sent the summary of the work session held during DebConf. And I tried to initiate a discussion about offering mysql-5.5 in squeeze-lts. We also have setup so that we can better handle embargoed security updates. The Debian Administrator s Handbook Debian Handbook: cover of the jessie editionI spent a lot of time on my book, the content update has been done but now we re reviewing it before preparing the paperback. I also started updating its French translation. You can help review it too. While working on the book I noticed that snort got removed from jessie and the SE linux reference policy as well. I mailed their maintainers to recommend that they provide them in jessie-backports at least those packages are relatively important/popular and it s a pity that they are missing in jessie. I hope to finish the book update in the next two weeks! Distro Tracker I spent a lot of time to revamp the mail part of Distro Tracker. But as it s not finished yet, I don t have anything to show yet. That said I pushed an important fix concerning the mail subscriptions (see #798555), basically all subscriptions of packages containing a dash were broken. It just shows that the new tracker is not yet widely used for mail subscription I also merged a patch from Andrew Starr-Bochicchio (#797633) to improve the description of the WNPP action items. And I reviewed another patch submitted by Orestis Ioannou to allow browsing of old news (see #756766). And I filed #798011 against to request that a new X-Debian-PR-Severity header field be added to outgoing BTS mail so that Distro Tracker can filter mails by severity and offer people to subscribe to RC bugs only. Misc Debian work I filed many bugs this month and almost all of them are related to my Kali work: Thanks See you next month for a new summary of my activities.

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22 September 2015

Russ Allbery: INN 2.6.0

This is the first major release of INN in several years, and incorporates lots of updates to the build system, protocol support, and the test suite. Major highlights and things to watch out for: There are also tons of accumulated bug fixes, including (of course) all the fixes that were in INN 2.5.5. There are a lot of other changes, so I won't go into all the details here. If you're curious, take a look at the NEWS file. As always, thanks to Julien LIE for preparing this release and doing most of the maintenance work on INN! You can get the latest version from the official ISC download page or from my personal INN pages. The latter also has links to the full changelog and the other INN documentation.

17 September 2015

Julien Danjou: My interview in le Journal du Hacker

A few days ago, the French equivalent of Hacker News, called "Le Journal du Hacker", interviewed me about my work on OpenStack, my job at Red Hat and my self-published book The Hacker's Guide to Python. I've spent some time translating it into English so you can read it if you don't understand French! I hope you'll enjoy it.
Hi Julien, and thanks for participating in this interview for the Journal du Hacker. For our readers who don't know you, can you introduce you briefly?
You're welcome! My name is Julien, I'm 31 years old, and I live in Paris. I now have been developing free software for around fifteen years. I had the pleasure to work (among other things) on Debian, Emacs and awesome these last years, and more recently on OpenStack. Since a few months now, I work at Red Hat, as a Principal Software Engineer on OpenStack. I am in charge of doing upstream development for that cloud-computing platform, mainly around the Ceilometer, Aodh and Gnocchi projects.
Being myself a system architect, I follow your work in OpenStack since a while. It's uncommon to have the point of view of someone as implied as you are. Can you give us a summary of the state of the project, and then detail your activities in this project?
The OpenStack project has grown and changed a lot since I started 4 years ago. It started as a few projects providing the basics, like Nova (compute), Swift (object storage), Cinder (volume), Keystone (identity) or even Neutron (network) who are basis for a cloud-computing platform, and finally became composed of a lot more projects. For a while, the inclusion of projects was the subject of a strict review from the technical committee. But since a few months, the rules have been relaxed, and we see a lot more projects connected to cloud-computing joining us. As far as I'm concerned, I've started with a few others people the Ceilometer project in 2012, devoted to handling metrics of OpenStack platforms. Our goal is to be able to collect all the metrics and record them to analyze them later. We also have a module providing the ability to trigger actions on threshold crossing (alarm). The project grew in a monolithic way, and in a linear way for the number of contributors, during the first two years. I was the PTL (Project Technical Leader) for a year. This leader position asks for a lot of time for bureaucratic things and people management, so I decided to leave my spot in order to be able to spend more time solving the technical challenges that Ceilometer offered. I've started the Gnocchi project in 2014. The first stable version (1.0.0) was released a few months ago. It's a timeseries database offering a REST API and a strong ability to scale. It was a necessary development to solve the problems tied to the large amount of metrics created by a cloud-computing platform, where tens of thousands of virtual machines have to be metered as often as possible. This project works as a standalone deployment or with the rest of OpenStack. More recently, I've started Aodh, the result of moving out the code and features of Ceilometer related to threshold action triggering (alarming). That's the logical suite to what we started with Gnocchi. It means Ceilometer is to be split into independent modules that can work together with or without OpenStack. It seems to me that the features provided by Ceilometer, Aodh and Gnocchi can also be interesting for operators running more classical infrastructures. That's why I've pushed the projects into that direction, and also to have a more service-oriented architecture (SOA)
I'd like to stop for a moment on Ceilometer. I think that this solution was very expected, especially by the cloud-computing providers using OpenStack for billing resources sold to their customers. I remember reading a blog post where you were talking about the high-speed construction of this brick, and features that were not supposed to be there. Nowadays, with Gnocchi and Aodh, what is the quality of the brick Ceilometer and the programs it relies on?
Indeed, one of the first use-case for Ceilometer was tied to the ability to get metrics to feed a billing tool. That's now a reached goal since we have billing tools for OpenStack using Ceilometer, such as CloudKitty. However, other use-cases appeared rapidly, such as the ability to trigger alarms. This feature was necessary, for example, to implement the auto-scaling feature that Heat needed. At the time, for technical and political reasons, it was not possible to implement this feature in a new project, and the functionality ended up in Ceilometer, since it was using the metrics collected and stored by Ceilometer itself. Though, like I said, this feature is now in its own project, Aodh. The alarm feature is used since a few cycles in production, and the Aodh project brings new features on the table. It allows to trigger threshold actions and is one of the few solutions able to work at high scale with several thousands of alarms. It's impossible to make Nagios run with millions of instances to fetch metrics and triggers alarms. Ceilometer and Aodh can do that easily on a few tens of nodes automatically. On the other side, Ceilometer has been for a long time painted as slow and complicated to use, because its metrics storage system was by default using MongoDB. Clearly, the data structure model picked was not optimal for what the users were doing with the data. That's why I started Gnocchi last year, which is perfectly designed for this use case. It allows linear access time to metrics (O(1) complexity) and fast access time to the resources data via an index. Today, with 3 projects having their own perimeter of features defined and which can work together Ceilometer, Aodh and Gnocchi finally erased the biggest problems and defects of the initial project.
To end with OpenStack, one last question. You're a Python developer for a long time and a fervent user of software testing and test-driven development. Several of your blogs posts point how important their usage are. Can you tell us more about the usage of tests in OpenStack, and the test prerequisites to contribute to OpenStack?
I don't know any project that is as tested on every layer as OpenStack is. At the start of the project, there was a vague test coverage, made of a few unit tests. For each release, a bunch of new features were provided, and you had to keep your fingers crossed to have them working. That's already almost unacceptable. But the big issue was that there was also a lot of regressions, et things that were working were not anymore. It was often corner cases that developers forgot about that stopped working. Then the project decided to change its policy and started to refuse all patches new features or bug fix that would not implement a minimal set of unit tests, proving the patch would work. Quickly, regressions were history, and the number of bugs largely reduced months after months. Then came the functional tests, with the Tempest project, which runs a test battery on a complete OpenStack deployment. OpenStack now possesses a complete test infrastructure, with operators hired full-time to maintain them. The developers have to write the test, and the operators maintain an architecture based on Gerrit, Zuul, and Jenkins, which runs the test battery of each project for each patch sent. Indeed, for each version of a patch sent, a full OpenStack is deployed into a virtual machine, and a battery of thousands of unit and functional tests is run to check that no regressions are possible. To contribute to OpenStack, you need to know how to write a unit test the policy on functional tests is laxer. The tools used are standard Python tools, unittest for the framework and tox to run a virtual environment (venv) and run them. It's also possible to use DevStack to deploy an OpenStack platform on a virtual machine and run functional tests. However, since the project infrastructure also do that when a patch is submitted, it's not mandatory to do that yourself locally.
The tools and tests you write for OpenStack are written in Python, a language which is very popular today. You seem to like it more than you have to, since you wrote a book about it, The Hacker's Guide to Python, that I really enjoyed. Can you explain what brought you to Python, the main strong points you attribute to this language (quickly) and how you went from developer to author?
I stumbled upon Python by chance, around 2005. I don't remember how I hear about it, but I bought a first book to discover it and started toying with that language. At that time, I didn't find any project to contribute to or to start. My first project with Python was rebuildd for Debian in 2007, a bit later. I like Python for its simplicity, its object orientation rather clean, its easiness to be deployed and its rich open source ecosystem. Once you get the basics, it's very easy to evolve and to use it for anything, because the ecosystem makes it easy to find libraries to solve any kind of problem. I became an author by chance, writing blog posts from time to time about Python. I finally realized that after a few years studying Python internals (CPython), I learned a lot of things. While writing a post about the differences between method types in Python which is still one of the most read post on my blog I realized that a lot of things that seemed obvious to me where not for other developers. I wrote that initial post after thousands of hours spent doing code reviews on OpenStack. I, therefore, decided to note all the developers pain points and to write a book about that. A compilation of what years of experience taught me and taught to the other developers I decided to interview in the book.
I've been very interested by the publication of your book, for the subject itself, but also the process you chose. You self-published the book, which seems very relevant nowadays. Is that a choice from the start? Did you look for an editor? Can you tell use more about that?
I've been lucky to find out about others self-published authors, such as Nathan Barry who even wrote a book on that subject, called Authority. That's what convinced me it was possible and gave me hints for that project. I've started to write in August 2013, and I ran the firs interviews with other developers at that time. I started to write the table of contents and then filled the pages with what I knew and what I wanted to share. I manage to finish the book around January 2014. The proof-reading took more time than I expected, so the book was only released in March 2014. I wrote a complete report on that on my blog, where I explain the full process in detail, from writing to launching. I did not look for editors though I've been proposed some. The idea of self-publishing really convince me, so I decided to go on my own, and I have no regret. It's true that you have to wear two hats at the same time and handle a lot more things, but with a minimal audience and some help from the Internet, anything's possible! I've been reached by two editors since then, a Chinese and Korean one. I gave them rights to translate and publish the books in their countries, so you can buy the Chinese and Korean version of the first edition of the book out there. Seeing how successful it was, I decided to launch a second edition in Mai 2015, and it's likely that a third edition will be released in 2016.
Nowadays, you work for Red Hat, a company that represents the success of using Free Software as a commercial business model. This company fascinates a lot in our community. What can you say about your employer from your point of view?
It only has been a year since I joined Red Hat (when they bought eNovance), so my experience is quite recent. Though, Red Hat is really a special company on every level. It's hard to see from the outside how open it is, and how it works. It's really close to and it really looks like an open source project. For more details, you should read The Open Organization, a book wrote by Jim Whitehurst (CEO of Red Hat), which he just published. It describes perfectly how Red Hat works. To summarize, meritocracy and the lack of organization in silos is what makes Red Hat a strong organization and puts them as one of the most innovative company. In the end, I'm lucky enough to be autonomous for the project I work on with my team around OpenStack, and I can spend 100% working upstream and enhance the Python ecosystem.

14 September 2015

Julien Danjou: Visualize your OpenStack cloud: Gnocchi & Grafana

We've been hard working with the Gnocchi team these last months to store your metrics, and I guess it's time to show off a bit. So far Gnocchi offers scalable metric storage and resource indexation, especially for OpenStack cloud but not only, we're generic. It's cool to store metrics, but it can be even better to have a way to visualize them! Prototyping We very soon started to build a little HTML interface. Being REST-friendly guys, we enabled it on the same endpoints that were being used to retrieve information and measures about metric, sending back text/html instead of application/json if you were requesting those pages from a Web browser. But let's face it: we are back-end developers, we suck at any kind front-end development. CSS, HTML, JavaScript? Bwah! So what we built was a starting point, hoping some magical Web developer would jump in and finish the job. Obviously it never happened. Ok, so what's out there? It turns out there are back-end agnostic solutions out there, and we decided to pick Grafana. Grafana is a complete graphing dashboard solution that can be plugged on top of any back-end. It already supports timeseries databases such as Graphite, InfluxDB and OpenTSDB. That was largely enough for that my fellow developer Mehdi Abaakouk to jump in and start writing a Gnocchi plugin for Grafana! Consequently, there is now a basic but solid and working back-end for Grafana that lies in the grafana-plugins repository.
With that plugin, you can graph anything that is stored in Gnocchi, from raw metrics to metrics tied to resources. You can use templating, but no annotation yet. The back-end supports Gnocchi with or without Keystone involved, and any type of authentication (basic auth or Keystone token). So yes, it even works if you're not running Gnocchi with the rest of OpenStack.
It also supports advanced queries, so you can search for resources based on some criterion and graphs their metrics. I want to try it! If you want to deploy it, all you need to do is to install Grafana and its plugins, and create a new datasource pointing to Gnocchi. It is that simple. There's some CORS middleware configuration involved if you're planning on using Keystone authentication, but it's pretty straightforward just set the cors.allowed_origin option to the URL of your Grafana dashboard. We added support of Grafana directly in Gnocchi devstack plugin. If you're running DevStack you can follow the instructions which are basically adding the line enable_service gnocchi-grafana. Moving to Grafana core Mehdi just opened a pull request a few days ago to merge the plugin into Grafana core. It's actually one of the most unit-tested plugin in Grafana so far, so it should be on a good path to be merged in the future and have support of Gnocchi directly into Grafana without any plugin involved.

5 September 2015

Niels Thykier: The gcc-5 transition is coming to testing tonight

Thanks to hard work of Adam, Julien, Jonathan, Matthias, Scott, Simon and many others, the GCC-5/libstdc++ transition has progressed to a state, where we are ready to migrate the bulk of it to testing. It should be a mostly smooth ride. However, there will a few packages that are going to be uninstallable in testing for a few days and some packages will be temporarily removed from testing. If APT is unable to provide you with an upgrade for all of your packages, please try again in a few days. We apologise for the inconvenience. Currently, we expect about 36 binary packages to become temporarily uninstallable on amd64 and 34 on i386. This involves Britney accepting at least 4800 change items on testing (some of these are removals). Many thanks to Julien for providing a proposed set of hints and Adam extending them. Update: We now got a list of the packages being removed and a list of packages becoming uninstallable. It will be available on debian-devel within 20 minutes from now.
Filed under: Debian

4 September 2015

Julien Danjou: Data validation in Python with voluptuous

Continuing my post series on the tools I use these days in Python, this time I would like to talk about a library I really like, named voluptuous. It's no secret that most of the time, when a program receives data from the outside, it's a big deal to handle it. Indeed, most of the time your program has no guarantee that the stream is valid and that it contains what is expected. The robustness principle says you should be liberal in what you accept, though that is not always a good idea neither. Whatever policy you chose, you need to process those data and implement a policy that will work lax or not. That means that the program need to look into the data received, check that it finds everything it needs, complete what might be missing (e.g. set some default), transform some data, and maybe reject those data in the end.
Data validation The first step is to validate the data, which means checking all the fields are there and all the types are right or understandable (parseable). Voluptuous provides a single interface for all that called a Schema.
>>> from voluptuous import Schema
>>> s = Schema(
... 'q': str,
... 'per_page': int,
... 'page': int,
... )
>>> s( "q": "hello" )
'q': 'hello'
>>> s( "q": "hello", "page": "world" )
voluptuous.MultipleInvalid: expected int for dictionary value @ data['page']
>>> s( "q": "hello", "unknown": "key" )
voluptuous.MultipleInvalid: extra keys not allowed @ data['unknown']

The argument to voluptuous.Schema should be the data structure that you expect. Voluptuous accepts any kind of data structure, so it could also be a simple string or an array of dict of array of integer. You get it. Here it's a dict with a few keys that if present should be validated as certain types. By default, Voluptuous does not raise an error if some keys are missing. However, it is invalid to have extra keys in a dict by default. If you want to allow extra keys, it is possible to specify it.
>>> from voluptuous import Schema
>>> s = Schema( "foo": str , extra=True)
>>> s( "bar": 2 )
"bar": 2

It is also possible to make some keys mandatory.
>>> from voluptuous import Schema, Required
>>> s = Schema( Required("foo"): str )
>>> s( )
voluptuous.MultipleInvalid: required key not provided @ data['foo']

You can create custom data type very easily. Voluptuous data types are actually just functions that are called with one argument, the value, and that should either return the value or raise an Invalid or ValueError exception.
>>> from voluptuous import Schema, Invalid
>>> def StringWithLength5(value):
... if isinstance(value, str) and len(value) == 5:
... return value
... raise Invalid("Not a string with 5 chars")
>>> s = Schema(StringWithLength5)
>>> s("hello")
>>> s("hello world")
voluptuous.MultipleInvalid: Not a string with 5 chars

Most of the time though, there is no need to create your own data types. Voluptuous provides logical operators that can, combined with a few others provided primitives such as voluptuous.Length or voluptuous.Range, create a large range of validation scheme.
>>> from voluptuous import Schema, Length, All
>>> s = Schema(All(str, Length(min=3, max=5)))
>>> s("hello")
>>> s("hello world")
voluptuous.MultipleInvalid: length of value must be at most 5

The voluptuous documentation has a good set of examples that you can check to have a good overview of what you can do. Data transformation
What's important to remember, is that each data type that you use is a function that is called and returns a value, if the value is considered valid. That value returned is what is actually used and returned after the schema validation:
>>> import uuid
>>> from voluptuous import Schema
>>> def UUID(value):
... return uuid.UUID(value)
>>> s = Schema( "foo": UUID )
>>> data_converted = s( "foo": "uuid?" )
voluptuous.MultipleInvalid: not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['foo']
>>> data_converted = s( "foo": "8B7BA51C-DFF5-45DD-B28C-6911A2317D1D" )
>>> data_converted
'foo': UUID('8b7ba51c-dff5-45dd-b28c-6911a2317d1d')

By defining a custom UUID function that converts a value to a UUID, the schema converts the string passed in the data to a Python UUID object validating the format at the same time. Note a little trick here: it's not possible to use directly uuid.UUID in the schema, otherwise Voluptuous would check that the data is actually an instance of uuid.UUID:
>>> from voluptuous import Schema
>>> s = Schema( "foo": uuid.UUID )
>>> s( "foo": "8B7BA51C-DFF5-45DD-B28C-6911A2317D1D" )
voluptuous.MultipleInvalid: expected UUID for dictionary value @ data['foo']
>>> s( "foo": uuid.uuid4() )
'foo': UUID('60b6d6c4-e719-47a7-8e2e-b4a4a30631ed')

And that's not what is wanted here. That mechanism is really neat to transform, for example, strings to timestamps.
>>> import datetime
>>> from voluptuous import Schema
>>> def Timestamp(value):
... return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
>>> s = Schema( "foo": Timestamp )
>>> s( "foo": '2015-03-03T12:12:12' )
'foo': datetime.datetime(2015, 3, 3, 12, 12, 12)
>>> s( "foo": '2015-03-03T12:12' )
voluptuous.MultipleInvalid: not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['foo']

Recursive schemas So far, Voluptuous has one limitation so far: the ability to have recursive schemas. The simplest way to circumvent it is by using another function as an indirection.
>>> from voluptuous import Schema, Any
>>> def _MySchema(value):
... return MySchema(value)
>>> from voluptuous import Any
>>> MySchema = Schema( "foo": Any("bar", _MySchema) )
>>> MySchema( "foo": "foo": "bar" )
'foo': 'foo': 'bar'
>>> MySchema( "foo": "foo": "baz" )
voluptuous.MultipleInvalid: not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['foo']['foo']

Usage in REST API
I started to use Voluptuous to validate data in a the REST API provided by Gnocchi. So far it has been a really good tool, and we've been able to create a complete REST API that is very easy to validate on the server side. I would definitely recommend it for that. It blends with any Web framework easily. One of the upside compared to solution like JSON Schema, is the ability to create or re-use your own custom data types while converting values at validation time. It is also very Pythonic, and extensible it's pretty great to use for all of that. It's also not tied to any serialization format. On the other hand, JSON Schema is language agnostic and is serializable itself as JSON. That makes it easy to be exported and provided to a consumer so it can understand the API and validate the data potentially on its side.

13 August 2015

Julien Danjou: Reading with Pocket

I've started to use Pocket a few months ago to store my backlog of things to read. It's especially useful as I can use it to read content offline since we still don't have any Internet access in places such as airplanes or the Paris metro. It's only 2015 after all. I am also a subscriber for years now, and I really like their articles from the weekly edition. Unfortunately, as the access is restricted to subscribers, you need to login: it makes it impossible to add these articles to Pocket directly. Sad. Yesterday, I thought about that and decided to start hacking on it. LWN provides a feature called "Subscriber Link" that allows you to share an article with a friend. I managed to use that feature to share the articles with my friend Pocket! As doing that every week is tedious, I wrote a small Python program called lwn2pocket that I published on GitHub. Feel free to use it, hack it and send pull requests.

4 August 2015

Julien Danjou: Ceilometer, Gnocchi & Aodh: Liberty progress

It's been a while since I talked about Ceilometer and its companions, so I thought I'd go ahead and write a bit about what's going on this side of OpenStack. I'm not going to cover new features and fancy stuff today, but rather a shallow overview of the new project processes we initiated. Ceilometer growing Ceilometer has grown a lot since that time when we started it 3 years ago. It has evolved from a system designed to fetch and store measurements, to a more complex system, with agents, alarms, events, databases, APIs, etc. All those features were needed and asked for by users and operators, but let's be honest, some of them should never have ended up in the Ceilometer code repository, especially not all at the same time. The reality is we picked a pragmatic approach due to the rigidity of the OpenStack Technical Committee in regards to new projects to become OpenStack integrated and, therefore, blessed projects. Ceilometer was actually the first project to be incubated and then integrated. We had to go through the very first issues of that process. Fortunately, now that time has passed, and all those constraints have been relaxed. To me, the OpenStack Foundation is turning into something that looks like the Apache Foundation, and there's, therefore, no need to tie technical solutions to political issues. Indeed, the Big Tent now allows much more flexibility to all of that. Back a year ago, we were afraid to bring Gnocchi into Ceilometer. Was the Technical Committee going to review the project? Was the project going to be in the scope of Ceilometer for the Technical Committee? Now we don't have to ask ourselves those questions, now that we have that freedom, it empowers us to actually do what we think is good in term of technical design without worrying too much about political issues.
Ceilometer development activity
Acknowledging Gnocchi The first step in this new process was to continue working on Gnocchi (a timeserie database and resource indexer designed to overcome historical Ceilometer storage issue) and to decide that it was not the right call to merge it into Ceilometer as some REST API v3, but that it was better to keep it standalone. We managed to get traction to Gnocchi, getting a few contributors and users. We're even seeing talks proposed to the next Tokyo Summit where people leverage Gnocchi, such as "Service of predictive analytics on cost and performance in OpenStack", "Suveil" and "Cutting Edge NFV On OpenStack: Healing and Scaling Distributed Applications". We are also doing some progress on pushing Gnocchi outside of the OpenStack community, as it can be a self-sufficient timeserie and resource database that can be used without any OpenStack interaction. Branching Aodh Rather than continuing to grow Ceilometer, during the last summit we all decided that it was time to reorganize and split Ceilometer into the different components it is made of, leveraging a more service-oriented architecture. The alarm subsystem of Ceilometer being mostly untied to the rest of Ceilometer, we decided it was the first and perfect candidate to do that. I personally engaged into doing the work and created a new repository with only the alarm code from Ceilometer, named Aodh.
Aodh is an Irish word meaning fire. A word picked so it also had some relation to Heat, and because we have some Irish influence around the project .
This made sense for a lot of reason. First because Aodh can now work completely standalone, using either Ceilometer or Gnocchi as a backend or any new plugin you'd write. I love the idea that OpenStack projects can work standalone like Swift does for example without implying any other OpenStack component. I think it's a proof of good design. Secondly, because it allows us to resonate on a smaller chunk of software a reason really under-estimated today in OpenStack. I believe that the size of your software should match a certain ratio to the size of your team. Aodh is, therefore, a new project under the OpenStack Telemetry program (or what remains of OpenStack programs now), alongside Ceilometer and Gnocchi, forked from the original Ceilometer alarm feature. We'll deprecate the latter with the Liberty release, and we'll remove it in the Mitaka release. Lessons learned Actually, moving that code out of Ceilometer (in the case of Aodh), or not merging it in (in the case of Gnocchi) had a few side effects that I admit I think we probably under-estimated back then. Indeed, the code size of Gnocchi or Aodh ended up being much smaller than the entire Ceilometer project Gnocchi is 7 smaller and Aodh 5x smaller than Ceilometer and therefore much more easy to manipulate and to hack on. That allowed us to merge dozens of patches in a few weeks, cleaning-up and enhancing a lot of small things in the code. Those tasks are very much harder in Ceilometer, due to the bigger size of the code base and the small size of our team. By having our small team working on smaller chunks of changes even when it meant actually doing more reviews greatly improved our general velocity and the number of bugs fixed and features implemented. On the more sociological side, I think it gave the team the sensation of finally owning the project. Ceilometer was huge, and it was impossible for people to know every side of it. Now, it's getting possible for people inside a team to cover a much larger portion of those smaller project, which gives them a greater sense of ownership and caring. Which ends up being good for the project quality overall. That also means that we technically decided to have different core teams by project (Ceilometer, Gnocchi, and Aodh) as they all serve different purposes and can all be used standalone or with each others. Meaning we could have contributors completely ignoring other projects. All of that reminds me some discussion I heard about projects such as Glance, trying to fit new features in - some that are really orthogonal to the original purpose. It's now clear to me that having different small components interacting together that can be completely owned and taken care of by a (small) team of contributors is the way to go. People that can therefore trust each others and easily bring new people in, makes a project really incredibly more powerful. Having a project covering a too wide set of features make things more difficult if you don't have enough manpower. This is clearly an issue that big projects inside OpenStack are facing now, such as Neutron or Nova.

7 July 2015

Russ Allbery: INN 2.6.0 release candidate

In more INN-related news (and catching up on my substantial backlog), a second release candidate for the INN 2.6.0 release is now available. (The first one was only circulated on the inn-workers mailing list.) INN 2.6.0 is the next major release of INN, with lots of improvements to the build system, protocol support, and the test suite, among many other things. Changes have been accumulating slowly for quite some time. There are a lot of changes, so I won't go into all the details here. If you're curious, take a look at the NEWS file. You can get the release candidate from (Note that this link will be removed once INN 2.6.0 is released.) As always, thanks to Julien LIE for preparing this release and doing most of the maintenance work on INN! For more information about INN, see the official ISC download page or from my personal INN pages. The latter also has links to the full changelog and the other INN documentation.

6 July 2015

Russ Allbery: INN 2.5.5

(This release has actually been ready for a while, but there were a few technical difficulties with getting it copied up to the right places, and then I got very distracted by various life stuff.) This is the first new release of INN in about a year, and hopefully the last in the 2.5.x series. A beta release of INN 2.6.0 will be announced shortly (probably tomorrow). As is typical for bug-fix releases, this release rolls up a bunch of small bug fixes that have been made over the past year. The most notable changes include new inn.conf parameters to fine-tune the SSL/TLS configuration for nnrpd (generally to tighten it over the OpenSSL defaults), a few new flags to various utilities, multiple improvements to pullnews, and support for properly stopping cnfsstat and innwatch if INN is started and then quickly stopped. As always, thanks to Julien LIE for preparing this release and doing most of the maintenance work on INN! You can get the latest version from the official ISC download page or from my personal INN pages. The latter also has links to the full changelog and the other INN documentation.

16 June 2015

Julien Danjou: Timezones and Python

Recently, I've been fighting with the never ending issue of timezones. I never thought I would have plunged into this rabbit hole, but hacking on OpenStack and Gnocchi I felt into that trap easily is, thanks to Python. Why you really, really, should never ever deal with timezones To get a glimpse of the complexity of timezones, I recommend that you watch Tom Scott's video on the subject. It's fun and it summarizes remarkably well the nightmare that timezones are and why you should stop thinking that you're smart.
The importance of timezones in applications
Once you've heard what Tom says, I think it gets pretty clear that a timestamp without any timezone attached does not give any useful information. It should be considered irrelevant and useless. Without the necessary context given by the timezone, you cannot infer what point in time your application is really referring to. That means your application should never handle timestamps with no timezone information. It should try to guess or raises an error if no timezone is provided in any input. Of course, you can infer that having no timezone information means UTC. This sounds very handy, but can also be dangerous in certain applications or language such as Python, as we'll see. Indeed, in certain applications, converting timestamps to UTC and losing the timezone information is a terrible idea. Imagine that a user create a recurring event every Wednesday at 10:00 in its local timezone, say CET. If you convert that to UTC, the event will end up being stored as every Wednesday at 09:00. Now imagine that the CET timezone switches from UTC+01:00 to UTC+02:00: your application will compute that the event starts at 11:00 CET every Wednesday. Which is wrong, because as the user told you, the event starts at 10:00 CET, whatever the definition of CET is. Not at 11:00 CET. So CET means CET, not necessarily UTC+1. As for endpoints like REST API, a thing I daily deal with, all timestamps should include a timezone information. It's nearly impossible to know what timezone the timestamps are in otherwise: UTC? Server local? User local? No way to know. Python design & defect
Python comes with a timestamp object named datetime.datetime. It can store date and time precise to the microsecond, and is qualified of timezone "aware" or "unaware", whether it embeds a timezone information or not. To build such an object based on the current time, one can use datetime.datetime.utcnow() to retrieve the date and time for the UTC timezone, and to retrieve the date and time for the current timezone, whatever it is.
>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.datetime.utcnow()
datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 15, 13, 24, 48, 27631)
datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 15, 15, 24, 52, 276161)

As you can notice, none of these results contains timezone information. Indeed, Python datetime API always returns unaware datetime objects, which is very unfortunate. Indeed, as soon as you get one of this object, there is no way to know what the timezone is, therefore these objects are pretty "useless" on their own. Armin Ronacher proposes that an application always consider that the unaware datetime objects from Python are considered as UTC. As we just saw, that statement cannot be considered true for objects returned by, so I would not advise doing so. datetime objects with no timezone should be considered as a "bug" in the application.
Recommendations My recommendation list comes down to:
  1. Always use aware datetime object, i.e. with timezone information. That makes sure you can compare them directly (aware and unaware datetime objects are not comparable) and will return them correctly to users. Leverage pytz to have timezone objects.
  2. Use ISO 8601 as input and output string format. Use datetime.datetime.isoformat() to return timestamps as string formatted using that format, which includes the timezone information.
In Python, that's equivalent to having:
>>> import datetime
>>> import pytz
>>> def utcnow():
>>> utcnow()
datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 15, 14, 45, 19, 182703, tzinfo=<UTC>)
>>> utcnow().isoformat()

If you need to parse strings containing ISO 8601 formatted timestamp, you can rely on the iso8601, which returns timestamps with correct timezone information. This makes timestamps directly comparable:
>>> import iso8601
>>> iso8601.parse_date(utcnow().isoformat())
datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 15, 14, 46, 43, 945813, tzinfo=<FixedOffset '+00:00' datetime.timedelta(0)>)
>>> iso8601.parse_date(utcnow().isoformat()) < utcnow()

If you need to store those timestamps, the same rule should apply. If you rely on MongoDB, it assumes that all the timestamp are in UTC, so be careful when storing them you will have to normalize the timestamp to UTC. For MySQL, nothing is assumed, it's up to the application to insert them in a timezone that makes sense to it. Obviously, if you have multiple applications accessing the same database with different data sources, this can end up being a nightmare. PostgreSQL has a special data type that is recommended called timestamp with timezone, and which can store the timezone associated, and do all the computation for you. That's the recommended way to store them obviously. That does not mean you should not use UTC in most cases; that just means you are sure that the timestamp are stored in UTC since it's written in the database, and you check if any other application inserted timestamps with different timezone. OpenStack status As a side note, I've improved OpenStack situation recently by changing the oslo.utils.timeutils module to deprecate some useless and dangerous functions. I've also added support for returning timezone aware objects when using the oslo_utils.timeutils.utcnow() function. It's not possible to make it a default unfortunately for backward compatibility reason, but it's there nevertheless, and it's advised to use it. Thanks to my colleague Victor for the help! Have a nice day, whatever your timezone is!

2 June 2015

Julien Danjou: Get back up and try again: retrying in Python

I don't often write about tools I use when for my daily software development tasks. I recently realized that I really should start to share more often my workflows and weapons of choice. One thing that I have a hard time enduring while doing Python code reviews, is people writing utility code that is not directly tied to the core of their business. This looks to me as wasted time maintaining code that should be reused from elsewhere. So today I'd like to start with retrying, a Python package that you can use to retry anything. It's OK to fail
Often in computing, you have to deal with external resources. That means accessing resources you don't control. Resources that can fail, become flapping, unreachable or unavailable. Most applications don't deal with that at all, and explode in flight, leaving a skeptical user in front of the computer. A lot of software engineers refuse to deal with failure, and don't bother handling this kind of scenario in their code. In the best case, applications usually handle simply the case where the external reached system is out of order. They log something, and inform the user that it should try again later. In this cloud computing area, we tend to design software components with service-oriented architecture in mind. That means having a lot of different services talking to each others over the network. And we all know that networks tend to fail, and distributed systems too. Writing software with failing being part of normal operation is a terrific idea. Retrying
In order to help applications with the handling of these potential failures, you need a plan. Leaving to the user the burden to "try again later" is rarely a good choice. Therefore, most of the time you want your application to retry. Retrying an action is a full strategy on its own, with a lot of options. You can retry only on certain condition, and with the number of tries based on time (e.g. every second), based on a number of tentative (e.g. retry 3 times and abort), based on the problem encountered, or even on all of those. For all of that, I use the retrying library that you can retrieve easily on PyPI. retrying provides a decorator called retry that you can use on top of any function or method in Python to make it retry in case of failure. By default, retry calls your function endlessly until it returns rather than raising an error.
import random
from retrying import retry

def pick_one():
if random.randint(0, 10) != 1:
raise Exception("1 was not picked")

This will execute the function pick_one until 1 is returned by random.randint. retry accepts a few arguments, such as the minimum and maximum delays to use, which also can be randomized. Randomizing delay is a good strategy to avoid detectable pattern or congestion. But more over, it supports exponential delay, which can be used to implement exponential backoff, a good solution for retrying tasks while really avoiding congestion. It's especially handy for background tasks.
@retry(wait_exponential_multiplier=1000, wait_exponential_max=10000)
def wait_exponential_1000():
print "Wait 2^x * 1000 milliseconds between each retry, up to 10 seconds, then 10 seconds afterwards"
raise Exception("Retry!")

You can mix that with a maximum delay, which can give you a good strategy to retry for a while, and then fail anyway:
# Stop retrying after 30 seconds anyway
>>> @retry(wait_exponential_multiplier=1000, wait_exponential_max=10000, stop_max_delay=30000)
... def wait_exponential_1000():
... print "Wait 2^x * 1000 milliseconds between each retry, up to 10 seconds, then 10 seconds afterwards"
... raise Exception("Retry!")
>>> wait_exponential_1000()
Wait 2^x * 1000 milliseconds between each retry, up to 10 seconds, then 10 seconds afterwards
Wait 2^x * 1000 milliseconds between each retry, up to 10 seconds, then 10 seconds afterwards
Wait 2^x * 1000 milliseconds between each retry, up to 10 seconds, then 10 seconds afterwards
Wait 2^x * 1000 milliseconds between each retry, up to 10 seconds, then 10 seconds afterwards
Wait 2^x * 1000 milliseconds between each retry, up to 10 seconds, then 10 seconds afterwards
Wait 2^x * 1000 milliseconds between each retry, up to 10 seconds, then 10 seconds afterwards
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 49, in wrapped_f
return Retrying(*dargs, **dkw).call(f, *args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 212, in call
raise attempt.get()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 247, in get
six.reraise(self.value[0], self.value[1], self.value[2])
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 200, in call
attempt = Attempt(fn(*args, **kwargs), attempt_number, False)
File "<stdin>", line 4, in wait_exponential_1000
Exception: Retry!

A pattern I use very often, is the ability to retry only based on some exception type. You can specify a function to filter out exception you want to ignore or the one you want to use to retry.
def retry_on_ioerror(exc):
return isinstance(exc, IOError)

def read_file():
with open("myfile", "r") as f:

retry will call the function passed as retry_on_exception with the exception raised as first argument. It's up to the function to then return a boolean indicating if a retry should be performed or not. In the example above, this will only retry to read the file if an IOError occurs; if any other exception type is raised, no retry will be performed. The same pattern can be implemented using the keyword argument retry_on_result, where you can provide a function that analyses the result and retry based on it.
def retry_if_file_empty(result):
return len(result) <= 0

def read_file():
with open("myfile", "r") as f:

This example will read the file until it stops being empty. If the file does not exist, an IOError is raised, and the default behavior which triggers retry on all exceptions kicks-in the retry is therefore performed. That's it! retry is really a good and small library that you should leverage rather than implementing your own half-baked solution!

26 May 2015

Julien Danjou: OpenStack Summit Liberty from a Ceilometer & Gnocchi point of view

Last week I was in Vancouver, BC for the OpenStack Summit, discussing the new Liberty version that will be released in 6 months. I've attended the summit mainly to discuss and follow-up new developments on Ceilometer, Gnocchi and Oslo. It has been a pretty good week and we were able to discuss and plan a few interesting things. Ops feedback
We had half a dozen Ceilometer sessions, and the first one was dedicated to getting feedbacks from operators using Ceilometer. We had a few operators present, and a few of the Ceilometer team. We had constructive discussion, and my feeling is that operators struggles with 2 things so far: scaling Ceilometer storage and having Ceilometer not killing the rest of OpenStack. We discussed the first point as being addressed by Gnocchi, and I presented a bit Gnocchi itself, as well as how and why it will fix the storage scalability issue operators encountered so far. Ceilometer putting down the OpenStack installation is more interesting problem. Ceilometer pollsters request information from Nova, Glance to gather statistics. Until Kilo, Ceilometer used to do that regularly and at fixed interval, causing high pike load in OpenStack. With the introduction of jitter in Kilo, this should be less of a problem. However, Ceilometer hits various endpoints in OpenStack that are poorly designed, and hitting those endpoints of Nova or other components triggers a lot of load on the platform. Unfortunately, this makes operators blame Ceilometer rather than blaming the components being guilty of poor designs. We'd like to push forward improving these components, but it's probably going to take a long time. Componentisation
When I started the Gnocchi project last year, I pretty soon realized that we would be able to split Ceilometer itself in different smaller components that could work independently, while being able to leverage each others. For example, Gnocchi can run standalone and store your metrics even if you don't use Ceilometer nor even OpenStack itself. My fellow developer Chris Dent had the same idea about splitting Ceilometer a few months ago and drafted a proposal. The idea is to have Ceilometer split in different parts that people could assemble together or run on their owns. Interestingly enough, we had three 40 minutes sessions planned to talk and debate about this division of Ceilometer, though we all agreed in 5 minutes that this was the good thing to do. Five more minutes later, we agreed on which part to split. The rest of the time was allocated to discuss various details of that split, and I engaged to start doing the work with Ceilometer alarming subsystem. I wrote a specification on the plane bringing me to Vancouver, that should be approved pretty soon now. I already started doing the implementation work. So fingers crossed, Ceilometer should have a new components in Liberty handling alarming on its own. This would allow users for example to only deploys Gnocchi and Ceilometer alarm. They would be able to feed data to Gnocchi using their own system, and build alarms using Ceilometer alarm subsystem relying on Gnocchi's data. Gnocchi
We didn't have a Gnocchi dedicated slot mainly because I indicated I didn't feel we needed one. We anyway discussed a few points around coffee, and I've been able to draw a few new ideas and changes I'd like to see in Gnocchi. Mainly changing the API contract to be more asynchronously so we can support InfluxDB more correctly, and improve Carbonara (the library we created to manipulate timeseries) based drivers to be faster. All of those should plus a few Oslo tasks I'd like to tackle should keep me busy for the next cycle!

